Lay brother at London Charterhouse. Taken Taken to Newgate Prison, chained and left to starve to death.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Walter Peerson
Commemorated ati
Carthusian martyrs
The verse comes from "The Apocrypha: Prayer of Azariah, Chapter 1". We don't...
Other Subjects
Sir Thomas More
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Person, Execution, Literature, Politics & Administration, Seriously Famous
Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford
Born Jane Parker, a distant relative of Henry VIII, she became a lady-in-waiting to his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, and to quite a few of those that followed. Married Anne Boleyn’s brother, G...
John Routh
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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John de Vere, 12th Earl of Oxford
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