
Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA,

Categories: Education

Countries: USA


In 1966 the remains of Church of St Mary Aldermanbury were removed to this college and restored as a memorial
to Sir Winston Churchill.

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA,

Creations i

St Mary Aldermanbury & Churchill

The plaque is huge and horizontal and very difficult to photograph in its ent...

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Other Subjects

St Olave's Grammar School

St Olave's Grammar School

Founded by Henry Leeke. Was in a building on Tooley Street from 1855 - 1967. The school has been on a number of sites in the area - see the school's history page for details.  It is now in Orping...

Building, Education

1 memorial
Albany School, Bell Lane

Albany School, Bell Lane

old Albany School in Bell Lane, Enfield in 2014.

Place, Education

1 memorial
Thomas Huxley

Thomas Huxley

Thomas Henry Huxley. Biologist and anthropologist. Born Ealing.  An early adherent to Darwin's theory of evolution, he was a strong supporter while also pointing out what he saw as flaws.  At the R...

Person, Education, Race Issues, Science

2 memorials
William Ward (benefactor)

William Ward (benefactor)

Merchant in the City of London. Founded City of London School for Girls. In his will, dated 3 June 1881, left £20,000 to the City of London towards a girls' high school, the residue 'to be applied...

Person, Education

1 memorial
Henry Leeke

Henry Leeke

Founder of St Olave's Grammar School. Southwark brewer. Lived at the foot of London Bridge by Pepper Alley. Bequeathed money for the school.

Person, Education

0 memorials