Explorer and naval administrator. Born Devon, the younger brother of Stephen.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
William Borough
Commemorated ati
This tablet is in memory of Sir Hugh Willoughby, Stephen Borough, William Bor...
Other Subjects
Francis Pocock
Role on the lost expedition: Able seaman on SS Erebus. See John Franklin.
Alexander McDonald
Role on the lost expedition: Officer on SS Terror. See John Franklin.
William Strong
Role on the lost expedition: Able seaman on SS Terror. See John Franklin.
Celia Fiennes
Traveller and diarist. Born near Salisbury. Moved to join a sister's family in London in 1691. She explored England on horse-back at a time when travel was difficult and particularly so for a wo...
Drake Navigators Guild
The Drake Navigators Guild is the historical research group which has used multi-disciplinary methods to research Francis Drake’s visit to the west coast of North America in 1579 and related mariti...
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Stephen Borough
Explorer and naval administrator. Born Devon. Elder brother to William. Sailed in the same North-East Passage expedition as Willoughby, as captain of the 'Edward Bonaventure', the ship that had ...
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