Lay brother at London Charterhouse. Taken to Newgate Prison, chained and left to starve to death.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
William Greenwood
Commemorated ati
Carthusian martyrs
The verse comes from "The Apocrypha: Prayer of Azariah, Chapter 1". We don't...
Other Subjects
Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk
Imprisoned by Elizabeth I for plotting to take Mary Queen of Scots as his fourth wife. His pro-Catholic activities led to his beheading on Tower Hill, just like his Dad, Henry Howard. Father of Ad...
1 memorial
1 memorial
James Walworth
Monk at London Charterhouse. Exiled to the Charterhouse in Hull and then executed in York.
1 memorial
1 memorial
George Searles
Burnt at the stake in Bow (or possibly Stratford) for his Protestant beliefs.
1 memorial
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