Monument | War dead | Other war

Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade

Erection date: 31/8/1997


{Front of memorial:}
International Brigade
In honour of the volunteers who left Hammersmith and Fulham to fight in the International Brigade, Spain 1936 - 1939. They fought alongside the Spanish people to stop Fascism and save liberty and peace for all.
They went because their open eyes could see no other way.
"No pasaran!"

{Rear of memorial:}
39 names {see Commemorated subjects:}

Site: Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade (1 memorial)

SW6, Fulham Palace Gardens, Bishop's Park

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade

Subjects commemorated i

International Brigades

A military uprising in Spain in July 1936 was assisted by Hitler and Mussolin...

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B. Allender

Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade volunteer.

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R. Bird

Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade volunteer.

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A. Blackman

Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade volunteer.

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Hammersmith and Fulham International Brigade

Created by i

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

London borough. Formed by the merging of the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersm...

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