Monument | War dead | Other war

South African War

Erection date: 1905


{On the front:}
"How sleep the brave who sink to rest
By all their country's wishes bless'd."

In honour of ninety-eight Islingtonians who died for their country in the South African War, 1899-1903.

{There is a list of 98 names contained in 4 columns, two on the right side and 2 on the left side of the monument. On the back face of the monument there is a plaque with the heading "Supplemental" followed by a list of 12 names. Each of these lists is in a mainly alphabetical sequence. See Subjects Commemorated for all 110 names.}

{Low on the east, right, face of the stone plinth is inscribed:}
Bertram MacKennal, Sculptor, 1905 

We are told by the people at The Register of the Anglo-Boer War that this war actually ended on 31 May 1902. The memorial gives 1903 as the end date but this might be the last date on which Islingtonians from that war died.

Site: South African War (1 memorial)

N5, Highbury Fields

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
South African War

Subjects commemorated i

South African War / Boer War

Also known as the (second) (Anglo-)Boer War. The war is described in three ph...

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Herbert Adams

Islingtonian who died in the South African War, 1899-1903

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Frederick J. Andrew

Islingtonian who died in the South African War, 1899-1903

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William H. Ayling

Islingtonian who died in the South African War, 1899-1903

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Thomas H. Banks

Islingtonian who died in the South African War, 1899-1903

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Show all 111

This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
South African War

Created by i

Sir Bertram Mackennal

Born in Melbourne, Australia. Came to London to study at the British Museum a...

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