Monument | War dead | WW1

St Anne's Church Limehouse - WW1 memorial

Erection date: 28/5/1921


{Front of memorial, beneath a figure of Christ and a plaque with a depiction of a battlefield:}
To the glory of God and in grateful memory of the men of Limehouse who fell in the Great War, 1914 - 1918.
Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Of any names not graved {sic} in perishable stone God holds eternal record in his heart alone.
{Followed by 15 names, the start of an alphabetic list of 461 names that continues on the three other faces around the base - see Commemorated subjects. One of the panels is cracked, so some names are not legible.}

The quotation "Greater love ... his friends." is from the biblical book of John 15.13. But we cannot find any source for the quotation "Of any names ... his heart alone".

We have come across many memorials where the inscription has become illegible but this is the first to reference its own deterioration: "... any names not graved in perishable stone God holds eternal record..".

The relief panel is a duplicate of one on the Old Salopians war memorial at Shrewsbury School, Shropshire.

Unveiled by General Lord Byng of Vimy.

The IWM page for this memorial states that there are 458 names on the monument. We transcribed 461 names including 2 that we could not find on the IWM list (Barnet and W. Frost). We noticed some other differences between our transcription and the IWM list, all noted on the individual pages.

Site: St Anne's Church Limehouse - WW1 memorial (1 memorial)

E14, Three Colt Street, 7

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St Anne's Church Limehouse - WW1 memorial

Subjects commemorated i

World War 1

We'd always assumed that this war was known as the Great War until WW2 came a...

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J. R. A. Abbas

Limehouse man who died in WW1.

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J. Abbott

Limehouse man who died in WW1.

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E. T. Adams

Limehouse man who died in WW1.

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
St Anne's Church Limehouse - WW1 memorial

Created by i

Arthur George Walker

Sculptor and painter. Born Hackney. Other work in London: Heston war memorial.

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