Person    | Male  Born 29/4/1863  Died 29/4/1933

Constantine Cavafy

Categories: Poetry

Countries: Egypt, Greece

Poet. Known as Constantine Peter Cavafy and as Konstantin or Konstantinos Petrou Kavafis. Born Egypt to Greek parents. On the death of his father in 1870 the family settled in Liverpool for a time, where the father's import-export business had a base. Later he wrote "... spent much of my childhood in England. Subsequently I visited this country as an adult, but for a short period of time."

Our Picture source gives a good bio and an introduction to the erotic and historical poetry.

The dates (from Wikipedia) show that he died on his birthday, but this odd fact is dependent on which style of calendar one uses: in Old Style he was born on the 17th. This subject smacks of a rabbit hole which we are resisting.

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Constantine Cavafy

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Constantine Cavafy

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