Rabbi Leo Baeck
Rabbi and theologian. Born in Leszno, in the German province of Posen, (now in Poland). He served as leader of Liberal Judaism in his native country and internationally, and later represented all G...
Rabbi and theologian. Born in Leszno, in the German province of Posen, (now in Poland). He served as leader of Liberal Judaism in his native country and internationally, and later represented all G...
Psychoanalyst. Born Mihály Maurice Bergsmann in Budapest. He worked in Berlin before returning to Hungary. In the 1930s the political conditions forced him to move to Britain, settling in Mancheste...
Art school. In full Staatliches Bauhaus. Founded by Walter Gropius, the name means 'building house', but in its early years it didn't actually have an architecture department. It was located initia...
The Buddy Bear project was conceived in Berlin by Klaus and Eva Herlitz and Roman Stoblin (a bear was chosen as it is a symbol on the city's coat of arms). There are now similar statues in many cit...
Yolande Elsa Maria Unternahrer was born on 28 October 1911 at 13 Avenue de la Grande Armée, Paris, France, one of the six children of Swiss nationals Michelangelo Mercurio (1872-1953) and Berthe Ly...
Person, Espionage, Execution, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland
Co-founder and funder (with Sir Julius Wernher) of the Royal School of Mines building. Born Hamburg, learnt the diamond trade in Amsterdam and went to Kimberley where he met Wernher and Cecil Rhod...
Person, Industry, Philanthropy, Race Issues, Africa, Germany, South Africa
Financier, philanthropist, and art connoisseur. Born Berlin. Younger brother to Alfred and made his fortune the same way: mining diamonds. Came to London in 1896 and took British citizenship. G...
Politician. District mayor of the Berlin district Reinickendorf since October 2009.
Conductor and composer. Born Stuttgart. Settled in London in 1834. His works include the opera The Lily of Killarney. Died at home, 2 Manchester Square.