Michael Balint
Psychoanalyst. Born Mihály Maurice Bergsmann in Budapest. He worked in Berlin before returning to Hungary. In the 1930s the political conditions forced him to move to Britain, settling in Mancheste...
Psychoanalyst. Born Mihály Maurice Bergsmann in Budapest. He worked in Berlin before returning to Hungary. In the 1930s the political conditions forced him to move to Britain, settling in Mancheste...
Composer and pianist. Born Béla Viktor János Bartók in Nagyszentmiklós in the Kingdom of Hungary (now Romania). He was greatly influenced by Zoltán Kodály and they travelled together, collecting fo...
Architect and furniture designer. He studied at Bauhaus, and was initially recognised for his so-called 'bicycle-handlebar' inspired tubular steel furniture. He moved to London to escape from Nazi ...
Civil Engineer. Born in Bristol. He designed the first Hammersmith Bridge and the Marlow Bridge across the Thames and bridges in Bath and at Welbeck Abbey. His greatest achievement was probably th...
Poet, and diplomat. Born in Csongrád, Hungary. His family moved to Romania in 1896, where the Serbian heritage was instilled in him. In 1912 he went to study in Rijeka (in modern day Croatia) and V...
Person, Poetry, Politics & Administration, Austria, Balkans, Hungary, Romania, Serbia
Hungarian-born British ophthalmologist, invented living eye impression technique, 1930. Moved to London with George Nissel in May 1937 and, in Cavendish Square, set up the first contact lens only p...
Painter. Born Budapest. In 1907 moved to London and stayed, though he often travelled for portrait commissions which included many royal families. His good relations with what became the enemy in...
Oculist to the court of Hungary.
Community educationist. Born Alexander Graeme Dickson at Duxhill Lodge, Ruislip. He served in Africa in World War II, where he began to formulate his ideas for mass education. He returned in 1948 a...
Princess and saint. Born either in the castle of Sárospatak, or in Pozsony, both in the Kingdom of Hungary. She was married at the age of fourteen to Louis IV, the Landgrave of Thuringia, and wid...