Group    From /11/1996 

Equiano Society

Categories: History, Race Issues

Countries: Africa

From their website: "The Equiano Society was founded by Arthur Torrington and Samuel B. King in London in November 1996. Its main objective is to publicise and celebrate the life and work of Olaudah Equiano. The society also celebrates and publicises the achievements of Equiano’s contemporaries: Ignatius Sancho, Phillis Wheatley, Ottobah Cugoano, and others who made outstanding contributions to African literary and cultural heritage."

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Equiano Society

Creations i

Olaudah Equiano burial

In memory of Olaudah Equiano aka Gustavus Vassa. Near this place which was pa...

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Other Subjects

Greenwich Historical Society

Greenwich Historical Society

From the Picture source: "The Greenwich Historical Society began life as the Greenwich Antiquarian Society in 1905, merging with the Lewisham Society in 1919 to become the Greenwich and Lewisham An...

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1 memorial
EMI Archive Trust

EMI Archive Trust

From their website: "The EMI Archive Trust was established in 1996. The EMI Group of companies gifted much of their assets which originated before 1947 to the Trust. The purpose of the Trust is “th...

Group, History, Music / songs

1 memorial
Voltaire Foundation

Voltaire Foundation

The Voltaire Foundation is a research department in the University of Oxford, publishing in the area of the Eighteenth century, especially the French Enlightenment.

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1 memorial
Kensington Society

Kensington Society

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5 memorials
Heath & (Old) Hampstead Society / Hampstead Plaque Fund

Heath & (Old) Hampstead Society / Hampstead Plaque Fund

The Hampstead Plaque fund was set up, many years ago, by Ralph Wade and has been administered by the Society ever since.

Group, Community / Clubs, History

40 memorials