Group    From /11/1996 

Equiano Society

Categories: History, Race Issues

Countries: Africa

From their website: "The Equiano Society was founded by Arthur Torrington and Samuel B. King in London in November 1996. Its main objective is to publicise and celebrate the life and work of Olaudah Equiano. The society also celebrates and publicises the achievements of Equiano’s contemporaries: Ignatius Sancho, Phillis Wheatley, Ottobah Cugoano, and others who made outstanding contributions to African literary and cultural heritage."

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Equiano Society

Creations i

Olaudah Equiano burial

In memory of Olaudah Equiano aka Gustavus Vassa. Near this place which was pa...

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Other Subjects

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Charles Robert Cockerell

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2 memorials
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John Donovan

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1 memorial
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Basaveshwara Foundation

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1 memorial
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3 memorials


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2 memorials