
Olaudah Equiano burial

Erection date: 15/6/2024


In memory of Olaudah Equiano aka Gustavus Vassa.
Near this place which was part of the Whitfield Cemetery, Equiano was buried on 6 April 1797. Equiano  was an enslaved African who bought his freedom. He went on to be a bestselling author and a prominent figure in the campaign to abolish the Transatlantic slave trade.
Installed by the Equiano Society with the support of the Mayor of London, Camden Council and the American International Church in 2024.

Site: Olaudah Equiano burial (1 memorial)

W1, Tottenham Court Road, American International Church

The wall on which the plaque is mounted marks the boundary of the old graveyard.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Olaudah Equiano burial

Subjects commemorated i

Olaudah Equiano

Born in an African village, he was sold into slavery, first locally, then in ...

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Whitfield Tabernacle and cemetery

Planetslade have a thorough and well-written history of the Whitefield chapel...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Olaudah Equiano burial

Created by i

American International Church

During WW2 Americans in London worshipped at the Grosvenor Chapel. The congre...

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Camden Council

The Town Hall in Euston Road once housed these interesting murals by Cecil Os...

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Equiano Society

From their website: "The Equiano Society was founded by Arthur Torrington and...

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Mayor of London

The Mayor of London is the chief executive of the Greater London Authority.

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