Media    From 1940  To 1949

Horizon Magazine

An influential literary and art magazine. From a pdf issued for the unveiling: "... Stephen Spender joined Cyril Connolly and the wealthy patron Peter Watson in 1939 to set up Horizon at 6 Selwyn House, 2 Lansdowne Terrace, using the two ground floor rooms of his {Spender's} rented apartment as editorial offices for the magazine. Horizon was edited by Cyril Connolly, who made it into a platform for a wide range of distinguished and emerging writers .... It had a print run of 102 issues or 20 volumes. Spender served as associate editor from 1939 to 1941, although he continued making contributions after that." "Sonia Brownell met George Orwell through the magazine and later married him."

Other contributors include: Auden, Beaton, Betjeman, T. S. Eliot, Empson, Fleming, Lucian Freud, Graham Greene, Barbara HepworthAugustus John, MacNeice, Henry Moore, Paul Nash, Ben Nicholson, Bertrand Russell, Sackville-West, Dylan Thomas, Woolf.

Many of these are artists but the format of the magazine does not look picture-friendly. Is it possible that all these artists wrote articles for Horizon?

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Horizon Magazine

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Orwell, Spender & Cyril Connolly’s Horizon Magazine

George Orwell, 1903 - 1950, Sir Stephen Spender, 1919 - 1995, wrote for Cyril...

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