Person    | Male  Born 10/4/1702  Died 1/7/1767

Jonathan Tyers

Categories: Commerce

Born on Bermondsey Street. Initially worked in his family's wool, skin and fur business. In 1729 he acquired the lease for what would become Vauxhall Gardens and transformed it into a successful, fashionable resort. 

Employed artists to help in the scene-setting, including: Francis Hayman, Hubert-François Gravelot, Roubiliac and Hogarth.

In 1734 Tyers purchased Denbies, a farmhouse and grounds near Dorking, Surrey, where he created another pleasure garden but one designed to remind visitors of their mortality.

Died at his home in Vauxhall pleasure gardens on either 26 June or 1 July 1767 (depending on source). Buried at St Mary Magdalen in Bermondsey Street. Denbies was sold, but his sons, Thomas and Jonathan, became joint proprietors of the Vauxhall pleasure garden.

The NPG have a Francis Hayman group portrait of the Tyers family.

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Jonathan Tyers

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Jonathan Tyers

Jonathan Tyers (1702 - 1767) Jonathan Tyers was born on Bermondsey Street an...

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