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Mark Cummins

Councillor (1988-98, 2006-2014) and Mayor of the London Borough of Brent 1997-8.

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Mark Cummins

Creations i

Gandhi Peace Grove

Gandhi Peace Grove - 50 To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Independen...

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Other Subjects

George 5th Earl Cadogan

George 5th Earl Cadogan

Politician.  Born at Durham. Ennobled by the death of his father in 1873. Lord of the Manor of Chelsea when it was undergoing massive developments out of which he made pots of money. Funded the bui...

Person, Philanthropy, Politics & Administration

2 memorials
Alderman Samuel Goodbehere

Alderman Samuel Goodbehere

Probably born in Derbyshire as "Godbehere". A gold and silversmith. Died at home, China Terrace, Lambeth. The British Museum apparently have a portrait but it is not available so we show his hallma...

Person, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire

William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire

The "Bachelor Duke" after whom the Cavendish banana was named. Born Paris, son of the 5th Duke, who died in 1811. Had a strong interest in gardening and agriculture and gave his estates a lot of a...

Person, Gardens / Agriculture, Politics & Administration

2 memorials
Nicholas Barbon

Nicholas Barbon

Builder and economist, a key figure in the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire. Laid out Essex Street in 1675. Also redeveloped Red Lion Fields and the Temple. It seems he was an extrovert ro...

Person, Architecture, Politics & Administration, Property

1 memorial
Edward Geoffrey Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby

Edward Geoffrey Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby

Tory politician. Born at Knowsley Park, Lancashire. Overcame his early boisterous jollity and three times became Prime Minister, each time a coalition caretaker between the giants: Peel and Gladsto...

Person, Politics & Administration, Race Issues

6 memorials