
Mayor of London


The Mayor of London is the chief executive of the Greater London Authority.

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Mayor of London

Creations i

Olaudah Equiano burial

In memory of Olaudah Equiano aka Gustavus Vassa. Near this place which was pa...

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Other Subjects

Colonel Sir Neil Gordon Thorne OBE

Colonel Sir Neil Gordon Thorne OBE

Trustee of The Memorial Gates Trust. In addition to our Picture Source and his Wikipedia page, our research shows that Colonel Sir Neil Gordon Thorne, OBE, TD, DL, was born on 8 August 1932 the so...

Person, Armed Forces, Emergency Services, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Councillor Angela Hooper

Councillor Angela Hooper

Served on Westminster council from 2002 until her death in 2010. She was Lord Mayor of Westminster from 1994-1995. Awarded the C.B.E. for her work as a senior agent at Conservative Central Office.

Person, Politics & Administration

5 memorials
Anthony Eden, Lord Avon

Anthony Eden, Lord Avon

Born Durham, Succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister, 1955 - 57. The Suez crisis is considered the low point of a less than admirable term. Died at home at Alvediston, Wiltshire.

Person, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali

The 6th Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1 January 1992 to 31 December 1996. He was born in Cairo, Egypt, on 14 November 1922 and his Wikipedia page confirms that he died, aged 93 year...

Person, Politics & Administration, Egypt

1 memorial