Person    | Male  Born 1745  Died 31/3/1797

Olaudah Equiano

Categories: Literature, Race Issues

Countries: Africa

Born in an African village, he was sold into slavery, first locally, then in England, then in America where he managed to buy his freedom. He returned to England and wrote the first autobiography of a slave, 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, The African'.  Published in 1789 this was written mainly in Riding House Street, Marylebone. He went on to work with the abolitionists. For someone taken into slavery he lead an extraordinary live and must have been either very lucky, an exceptional person, or both.

Click on the picture source web site for more information.

2019: Equiano's place of burial was confirmed as the cemetery next to Whitfield’s Tabernacle on Tottenham Court Road. See the CNJ for a description of the discovery.

2022: Londonist show a nice bust of Equiano at the Greenwich National Maritime Museum.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Olaudah Equiano

Commemorated ati

Fitzrovia local mural

Cynthia Williams was added in 2000.

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Olaudah Equiano burial

In memory of Olaudah Equiano aka Gustavus Vassa. Near this place which was pa...

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Olaudah Equiano - Riding House Street

Olaudah Equiano (1745 - 1797), 'The African', lived and published here in 178...

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Olaudah Equiano - SE14

Londonist informs: "It stands on a ceramic plinth with three sides, which sym...

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Olaudah Equiano - Tottenham Street

Olaudah Equiano, "The African" (1745 - 1797) abolitionist, lived at this addr...

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