Gyorgy Krasso
Hungarian patriot. New York Times obituary. Krasso's widow, Agnes Hay, has kindly allowed us to use this photograph.
Hungarian patriot. New York Times obituary. Krasso's widow, Agnes Hay, has kindly allowed us to use this photograph.
Hungarian composer and pianist. First visited London in 1826. During 1840 - 41 he toured extensively in Europe including England and visited London a number of times.
Painter, photographer and film-maker. Born László Weisz in Bácsborsód, Hungary, he changed his surname to that of his mother's lawyer friend, (Wikipedia says maternal uncle) who had helped when the...
Born in Hungary as Ladislas Weisz. Moved to Berlin in the 1920s and became, the less Jewish-sounding, Laszlo Peri. He and his wife Mary were active Communists and so had to leave Germany in 1933 an...
Author and screenwriter. Born Imre Josef Pressburger at 3 St Peter's Street, Miskolc, Hungary. He moved to Berlin in 1926 to work as a journalist and scriptwriter. In 1935 he came to Britain and in...
Born as Reinhold Alfréd in Budapest. Writer on social and religious topics. Known in England for his leadership of a libertarian group, the Bridge Circle, post-1945. A long time ago at stormloader...
Businessman and author. Born in Trieste (then part of Austria-Hungary) as Aron Ettore Schmitz. The pseudonym translates as 'Swabian Italian', but as the only definitions of Swabian relate to places...
Designed by William Tierney Clark, it spans the River Danube between Buda and Pest, the western and eastern sides of Budapest. It was the first permanent bridge across the Danube.
Britain's leading exponent of Kodaly's principles of musicianship training, founder of the British Kodaly Academy, Born in Budapest, Vajda studied with Kodály. From the Picture source: "... came t...