Asst. Mach. H. M. Boender
Netherlands Merchant Navy. Our colleague Andrew Behan has kindly researched this man: Assistant Machinist Herbertus Marinus Boender was born on 13 November 1916 in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indon...
Pascal Michael Dolf
Non-British, killed by the Bali bomb. Pascal Michael Dolf was born on 25 January 1977 in Chur, Bezirk Plessur, Graubünden, Switzerland. He was a Swiss backpacker and bank officer employed at Graub...
William Marsden, Secretary of the Admiralty
As secretary of the Admiralty in November 1805 it was Marsden who was the first to receive the news of the Battle of Trafalgar. Born County Wicklow. Sent by the civil service to work in Sumatra a...
Cicely Mary Marshall
Joint host of Luigi Sturzo with Barbara Barclay Carter (see there for details). In 1934 and in 1945/46 she was living at 32 Chepstow Villas, W11. Our colleague, Andrew Behan has researched Marsha...
Christopher Newport
Seaman. Baptised at Harwich, Essex, on 29 December 1561. He was the captain of the Susan Constant, the largest of the three ships which carried settlers to found the Jamestown Settlement in 1607. I...
Lieutenant Austen Gardner Shaw
Austen Gardner Shaw was born on 26 January 1917, the younger of the two children of Herbert Shaw and May Shaw née Gardner. His birth was registered in the 1st quarter of 1917 in the Barnet Registra...
Tsunami in the Indian Ocean
More than 230,000 people died, 153 being British.
Event, Tragedy, Africa, Burma, India, Indian Sub-continent, Indonesia, Malaysia, Southeast Asia